Episode 119 – Audio Equipment, Mysteries, Aliens, and Repetition

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Episode 119 - Audio Equipment, Mysteries, Aliens, and Repetition

Andy and Chris fail to roll on the table for a topic, but of course have plenty to talk about. Listen as they talk about wrangling audio equipment for a live taping, Brindlewood Bay thoughts, Alien worries, and playing the same games over and over again.

Episode 118 — How to Make Small Towns in Your Fantasy Setting Memorable

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Episode 118 — How to Make Small Towns in Your Fantasy Setting Memorable

Andy’s back from a cross-country road trip, and he’s eager to talk about all weird and wonderful claims to fame that small, rural towns celebrate. In this episode, Chris and Andy talk about how to make the small towns in your fantasy setting quirky and memorable places to travel through. But first they take time to talk about high-concept and gimmicky sci-fi, and how that might be implemented in a tabletop RPG.

Episode 117 – How do You Steal from Movies and Books?

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Episode 117 - How do You Steal from Movies and Books?

Andy and Chris are thieves! Everyone likes reading books and watching movies, but have you ever lifted a scene or character from them for your campaign?

Episode 116 — What Goes Into a Great Online TTRPG Experience?

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Episode 116 — What Goes Into a Great Online TTRPG Experience?

We cover a lot of ground in this episode! We talk about health and injury rules, the quirky LitRPG genre, and rethinking alien species in tabletops RPGs. And of course we move onto our main topic: what has the last few years taught us about what makes for a great virtual RPG?

Episode notes:

Episode 115 — The 30-Year D&D Campaign (with Bryn Mills)

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Episode 115 — The 30-Year D&D Campaign (with Bryn Mills)

What’s the longest RPG campaign you’ve ever run? Six months? A year? Two? We’re pretty sure you can’t beat our guest for this episode, who’s been running a weekly D&D campaign for nearly three decades straight. Join us as we learn about Bryn’s truly epic D&D campaign and try to identify the secret of his GMing success.

Episode 114 — Making Food and Meals a Part of an RPG Campaign (with Jeremy Bai)

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Episode 114 — Making Food and Meals a Part of an RPG Campaign (with Jeremy Bai)

Chris and Andy are joined by Jeremy Bai, a prolific translator and author whose RPG Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades: Wuxia Roleplaying brings the wuxia genre to your game table! We begin by talking to Jeremy about his various projects, RPG-related and otherwise, before discussing different ways that you can make food, drink, and meals more than just background flavor in your RPG campaign.

Episode 114 notes:

Episode 113 – Running Hacking Scenes (with James Pozenel)

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Episode 113 - Running Hacking Scenes (with James Pozenel)

Andy and Chris are joined by James Pozenel of Horse Shark Games to talk about the best way to handle hacking scenes in your TTRPGs (as well as others scenes in which one PC is the star of the show). James is uniquely suited to dispense advice on this, since he’s working on a very cool game called Netcrawl that’s due to come out in 2024. It features a LOT of hacking.

Before we talk about hacking mainframes, we discuss some of his other projects for Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics. There’s a lot of them and they all sound rad:

Episode 112 — Running RPGs with Kids

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Episode 112 — Running RPGs with Kids

What do you need to know to run tabletop RPGs with kids? Guest GMs Liz Decker and Tim Saucer bring their experience organizing games for kids to a special roundtable discussion. Liz runs an RPG club at a local high school, and Tim incorporates RPGs into a summer camp for kids. Both have a lot of insight into running great games with and for kids!

Episode 111 – What Role Does Nostalgia Play in Your Games?

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Episode 111 - What Role Does Nostalgia Play in Your Games?

Does nostalgia for your youth, and the games you played as a kid, play an active role in the games you play today? And it’s impossible to talk about D&D nostalgia without taking note of the upcoming D&D movie. Listen as they share their hopes and dreams (or lack thereof) for Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

Episode 110 — How Do You Adjust the Tone at Your Gaming Table?

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Episode 110 — How Do You Adjust the Tone at Your Gaming Table?

How do you fine-tune the tone–whether it’s grim, comedic, or something else–at your gaming table? Chris and Andy talk about this, but not before they muse on the challenge of running murder mysteries in the TTRPG medium, among other things.