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Guest GM Matt Wilson (@hypomodern) joins the show to discuss his recently-finished 18-month campaign of “Eternal Lies”! Matt talks about what worked and what didn’t, how he adjusted the campaign for his table, and what GM tricks he used to make the experience come alive for his players.
Episode 57 appendix:
- Eternal Lies, an epic campaign for Trail of Cthulhu, published by Pelgrane Press.
- Aviatrix’ Eternal Lies campaign, which was inspirational to Matt in running his own version.
- The Alexandrian blog’s “Eternal Lies remix,” where Matt found lots of practical help in tailoring the campaign for his table.
- Masks of Nyarlathotep, a famous published campaign for the Call of Cthulhu RPG.
- The Yellow King RPG, from which Matt adapted the Quickshock rules system for his game.